Top tips for a stress free summer
+ BE KIND TO YOURSELVES! The stuff you think matters, probably doesn’t.
+ PLAN… You know those 6 weeks of spends and kids and work are coming so don’t leave it to the last minute.
+ ENROL IN SOME HELP! Preplan days where family or other mums can have your kids so you know you have some whole days to crack on with work. Make sure you use your time wisely! You can have their kids back and be fully present on those days.
+ SHOP ONLINE – get lots of fruit, and foods that can be eaten in picnics and will save you time walking around the shops!
+ PREP Cook a few dinners and pop them in the freezer until you need them
+ RISE & SHINE Get up early to reply to emails, prep your work and set an alarm so that you finish and can do something with the kids. ****When you’re with them, be WITH them. No phone babes.****
+ STAY OFF THE ‘GRAM! It sucks precious hours out of your day and joy from your heart when you see all the other mums doing their thang.
+ SIMPLE THINGS Remember kids don’t need all the bells and whistles, we all know how much they love a cardboard box at Christmas so keep it simple, go to the park with a blanket, set up a tent in the garden, get a paddling pool. They have been working hard at school and likely just want to hang at home with you for a bit.
+ TAKE A BREATH Please know it all passes, we all feel it. Every working mama I know has the same feeling.
+ EMBRACE IT Please don’t waste time worrying, stressing and ‘shoulding’ with mum guilt.
Lets look at the positives:
+ The weather is AWESOME, so lots of free activities for kids, get online and facebook to see whats going on in your area.
+ Long days, so no need to miss out on EVERY event, you could do something before or after work instead.
+ 6 weeks to plan and get ready for ‘back to school ‘ feels in Sept and know that next Summer is smoother.
+ These are the days they will remember, try and put off anything that isn’t urgent and embrace this magical time with your smalls, they don’t stay small for long!!
Enjoy it babes, it will be over before you know it!
What I’m up to this summer…
I’m off to Bali for 3 weeks and although I’m going for family time to chill, try new things and explore that beautiful island, I know that it will also be time for reflection.
I recently did an Facebook Live about how important it is to invest in yourself and in turn your business as we are all so busy working IN IT that we rarely have time to work ON IT, I had a huge response from stylists saying how much they resonated with that. Any time out is time ON it for me if i’mhonest. Because my thoughts always come back to being creative, I get inspiration from so many things, so I’m already excited about how my work will change when I get back next month.
I often have my ‘overhaul’ or big ideas whilst I’m on holiday. It’s the only time I have to properly wind down, which always results in new ideas and changes to my business. In fact, my original Lovehairbusiness plan was 1st written and pitched to my family on a break to Dorset back in 2006 and I found our current studio whilst having a ‘pool day’ in Florida last year.
Bali will be jam packed with new experiences, foods and sights and as my mind starts to slow down, I know the good stuff is right there underneath it all. Check out my INSTA STORIES if you can bare it! 😜
The girls that keep me sane on the business end of things here at LovehairHQ are prepped and ready for my stream of ‘ Babes, I’ve had an idea whatsapps!
So, even if you don’t get to go away this summer – get yourself a blanket and a bullet journal and get outside. Take some time out for you to work ON your business and yourself, not just IN IT. We’ve been blessed with the sun this year so no excuses.