Growing a business is hard.. It’s such a fluid process that changes ALL the time so it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, lose control, or forget ‘the plan’. Sometimes life simply just gets in the way and we lose sight of our goals.
I am constantly thinking of what I can do to make this crazy journey easier for you.
Yeah, I can give you hair skills and business tips in any one of our courses, but what happens after that!? When you’ve lost the will and it’s all a bit much? We almost need a monthly catch up to give you a boost, inject some (much needed!) motivation and keep you on track to reach your end game. Sound good? Great, because that’s EXACTLY what we’re doing!!
Sound like something you need in your life? You betcha!
The LOVEHAIR BUSINESS CLUB is without a doubt the best thing you can do for your hair business in 2020!

NB: That’s just 10.5 small skinny lattes from Costa or less than it costs me to get a travel card to London from Reigate! But this is going to BRING you money, SAVE you money and GROW your business!!
We will notify you when the the booking office is officially open on January 15th, 2020. You will need to be quick as we are only opening the doors for 1 week.

Sounds expensive. How much is this going to cost me?

Plus the cost is broken down over 12 months. That’s just £29 a month for a year.
No scary pressure or unachievable sums of money there then! Win! Then, It’s up to you if you want to continue into year 2, but the initial 12 months is the minimum length of time to sign up. (bookable 12 months at a time)
Ok, sounds good? What happens once I sign up?
Business Club Monthly Membership
12 months @ £29per month (£348 total)
• Monthly goal planning workshop
• Monthly Business Brunch
• Monthly Q & A session
• Access to tools, apps and downloads to help you grow your business when you need it
• Weekly newsletter
• First come first served portfolio building workshops
• Contract templates
• Accountability partners
• Community of creative stylists
• Work & networking opportunities
• Christmas drinks!
• Evening meet ups, where you can bring a friend
• Facebook page
• Course discounts
This is ideal for all self employed hair stylist or hair business owners
** participation & course work must be completed to experience the full benefits of this course **

VIP list? Why do I need to register, I just want in!?
After the sell out success of our first intake success of 2019 we are heading into 2020, excited to see our next wave of Hair Rebels.
Sign up to get on the list to be notified. Booking will open for just ONE WEEK on 15th January and we already have a waiting list of applicants, so you will need to be quick on the day to get access to our Club.
Please note: We will ONLY be accepting a limited number of HAIR ENTREPRENEURS each time to ensure exclusivity and maximise the love and care the Lovehair Business Club team can give each member.
Booking will only be accepted on completion of signing up for 12 monthly instalments of £29.
Then what?
Access to your own portal (ie: a super cool log of what you’ve done, what’s next, videos and and all the free printables you need) will be immediate.
So who is it for?
Anyone in the hair industry!
• Stylists that are lacking in confidence, business skills, motivation and the all important PLAN!! (the key to any business!!) this is perfect for you!
• Stylists serious about taking their current business to the next level would also benefit from this.
• Anyone interested in the BUSINESS GROWTH WORKSHOP but feels that they would benefit more from having the information broken down over a year, with regular prompt and reminders to keep you on track.
• This is aimed at self employed hair stylists in all areas of the industry.
Yeah, but I’m complicated?
Some of you may prefer a more 1-2-1 experience in the form of our 3 hour session. The price is £299 and can be done at the studio or via skype. It includes access to the lovehair tribe but not the BUSINESS CLUB.
Please note that the BGW is a more bespoke intense session. It’s face to face concentrating on the nitty gritty of your business and your brand. If you are looking for this, I would recommend booking a business growth session AND joining the Business Club for a full impact covering all areas. The BGW has no access to a portal, the videos, how to’s or our LIVE sessions.
What you will get at the end?

Our plan is to help you reach your goal or goals by the end of the 12 months, obviously this needs to be a realistic goal for the amount of time, don’t get me wrong the sky’s the limit, but you might need to be patient if you are hoping for world domination.
We are talking along the lines of more money, new clients, your kind of clients, more work abroad, more work in general, less work, more balance, more creativity, less admin, more time, more organisational skills, better hair skills or maybe moving into another area of the industry such as salon, agency, editorial, bridal etc etc… This will be bespoke to YOU and your BUSINESS
Then all the feels and the good stuff – confidence, creativity, inspiration, a sense of achievement and genuine friendship + support from the lovehair tribe
Why you need to sign up…
As you may know; I have created my own income since I was 19. I’ve won business awards, I owned a salon, run a successful hair & make up agency, worked self employed, worked in salons, I work as part of an editorial team, I’ve written for several magazines, been featured in Vogue, worked all over the world and worked with some of the biggest brands in our industry. Including GHD and Living Proof with QVC. All with small (and now not so small) children. But why does this matter to you? Because I’ve been where you are. I’ve made mistakes and I’ve learned from them, so you don’t have to. But essentially, I can take that knowledge and experience and use it to help YOU be successful in YOUR own goals, whatever they are.
I used to say, ‘I just want a ‘Dragon’ ( I adore business and the entrepreneurial spirt and Dragon’s Den was on of my fav shows!) I needed someone to tell me I was doing ok, to guide me and sometimes to help me make decisions when I felt stuck and unable to move to the next level, In short I just needed some help!! So, to help you, i’m going to give you your own Dragon (kinda!..)
It started with our Business Growth Workshop. I have been running our BGW for the last few years. It’s a 3 hour session where we sit down with a cuppa look at your business. We see where we can make things easier, where you need help, what changes you can make to be even more successful and get you back on track. The feedback has been amazing.
I’ve taken mums with new babies from feeling scared and skint to running hugely successful businesses, I’ve helped salons increase their income, stylists get their confidence back, freelance hairdressers find their balance, nail their instagram or step into the world of editorial, (even get famous on TV!!). Most of all; I’ve given them the confidence to achieve their dreams all with a the constant support of the lovehair tribe community.
These 3 hour workshops are exciting and inspiring, but can be overwhelming for some of you. They put fire in your belly to aim high and to go away start ticking off your new ‘to do’ list, but what do you do when that fire starts to simmer? When reality sets in, life gets in the way and all of a sudden you are thinking abut ‘getting a normal job’ and regular wage packet (we’ve all been there!) as you’re growth workshop was months ago and you’ve run out of enthusiasm.
Well, thats where our NEW- LOVEHAIR BUSINESS CLUB steps in…A plan you can follow so you don’t need to wing it anymore! You can get more money, start attracting the clients you actually want and regain control of your business simply by following the steps to reach your goal.
Babes, what are you waiting for? Space is limited, if you want to be a part of this innovative group please register your interest now to make sure you are first on the list to receive notifications of when our doors are open for business!! This is FIRST COME FIRST SERVED and there is a waiting list.